Ross & Ross International

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Infographic: Four Reasons Why You Need Digital Transformation

Look around your office. If you see a lot of file cabinets, stacks of paper on desks… and you spend too much money each month on your office printers and copiers, you need to take a hard look at digitally transforming your office.

4 reasons for replacing old inefficient technology and office processes

Here are four good reasons for upgrading your business technology and the old inefficient processes in your office:

  • The average employee spends 30-40% of their time looking for lost information

Think about it. How often are you looking for a document that you have on your desk or was filed someplace. Maybe someone took it off your desk when you were out and forgot to leave you a note.

  • The cost to share hard copy data is 31x more expensive  than sharing it digitally

If you have manual processes now and most of your forms are still paper, going digital dramatically reduces costs and improves employee productivity.

  • Larger organizations lose a document every 12 seconds

It’s easy to do and we all do it every day.

  • The average document is copied 9 to 11 times

Your office printer and copier costs include the paper, ink cartridges, maintenance and office worker time.

How to get started

Here are a few simple steps to get started digitally transforming your older dated office to a newer, more modern and more productive office.

  1. Assign a manager to review your current technology and your existing processes

  2. Identify the latest technology that best works for your business

  3. Create a plan that prioritizes your key needs and benefits

  4. Communicate with your teams

  5. Review and report results each week or month

Please contact us if you have any questions or need some help getting this project started.